Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Clapping, crawling, and Cheerios

Elle Belle is acing all her developmental milestones. Clapping started on July 7, crawling, and pulling herself to a standing position started about 2 weeks ago. She babbles mamamama, babababa, and all sorts of adorable baby babble most of the day through and I just can’t get enough of it.
Now that she is crawling I have to have superhero vision to watch her every move. Our house is not even 20% babyproofed yet and I have a baby that is exploring. Does anyone know of any good baby proofing companies? I need some guidance!

I’ve just began to introduce Cheerios and Elle does not know what to think of them. She doesn’t like the taste and inhales them instead of chewing them. The gagging frightens me so that the only time she get the Cheerios is when JP is home.

I need some brushing up on the infant CPR, but JP has it memorized. When Elle was tiny – a week or two old – and she must have swallowed her milk funny because she started to cough, JP said to her, “Don’t worry Elle! I know baby CPR!”

Happy August everyone!


  1. She looks super cute! Crawling is such an exciting phase. We have to get her and Avi together for a play date.

  2. Your CPR instructor is happy to give a refresher class any time!!! Also, infanthouse.com provides installation, I believe, of baby proofing products. Good luck! Movers/shakers keep you busy!
